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  • [halshs-00649521] Les motivations cachées des consommateurs de marques d'enseigne : et si on parlait d'autre chose que du rapport qualité-prix ?
    12 décembre 2011
    Dans cet article, les auteurs proposent d'expliquer la construction de la confiance sur le long terme envers la marque d'enseigne, comparativement à la marque de fabricant. Pour préciser les leviers de la relation de confiance entre le consommateur et la marque, ils se basent sur la valeur perçue des marques. Leur analyse, sur deux catégories de produits alimentaires, montre que les marques d'enseigne peuvent rivaliser avec les marques de fabricant sur d'autres aspects que le rapport qualité-prix. Les résultats montrent notamment les forces des marques d'enseigne sur les dimensions expérientielle et symbolique de la valeur perçue et indiquent comment optimiser la gestion des marques de distributeurs et la politique de fidélisation des enseignes.
  • [hal-04118739] Use of Digital Technologies to Maintain Older Adults’ Social Ties During Visitation Restrictions in Long-Term Care Facilities: Scoping Review
    7 décembre 2023
    BackgroundDigital technologies were implemented to address the disruption of long-term care facility residents’ socialization needs during the COVID-19 pandemic. A literature review regarding this topic is needed to inform public policy, facility managers, family caregivers, and nurses and allied health professionals involved in mediating the use of digital devices for residents’ social ties.ObjectiveOur study outlines key concepts, methodologies, results, issues, and gaps in articles published during pandemic-related visitation restrictions.MethodsFollowing the PRISMA-ScR (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Extension for Scoping Reviews) protocol, a scoping review was conducted by searching 3 database aggregator platforms (EBSCO, ProQuest, and PubMed) for studies published in peer-reviewed journals from early 2020 to the end of June 2021, when the most stringent restrictions were in place.We included qualitative and quantitative studies, reviews, commentaries, viewpoints, and letters to the editors in French or English focusing on digital technologies aiming to support the social contact of residents in long-term care facilities during pandemic-related visitation restrictions.ResultsAmong 763 screened articles, 29 met our selection criteria. For each study, we characterized the (1) authors, title, and date of the publication; (2) country of the first author; (3) research fields; (4) article type; and (5) type of technology mentioned.The analysis distinguished 3 main themes emerging from the literature: (1) impact and expectations of remote social contact on the physical and mental health and well-being of the residents (n=12), (2) with whom or what the social contact took place (n=17), and (3) limitations and barriers to significant social contact related to digital technologies (n=14).The results first underlined the highly positive impact expected by the authors of the digital technologies on health and quality of life of residents of long-term care facilities. Second, they highlighted the plurality of ties to consider, since social contact takes place not only with family caregivers to maintain contact but also for other purposes (end-of-life videoconferences) and with other types of contact (eg, with staff and robots). Third, they exposed the limitations and barriers to significant contact using digital technologies and outlined the required conditions to enable them.ConclusionsThe review demonstrated the opportunities and risks outlined by the literature about the implementation of digital technologies to support remote social contact. It showed the plurality of ties to consider and revealed the need to evaluate the positive impact of remote contact from the residents’ perspectives. Therefore, to go beyond the risk of digital solutionism, there is a need for studies considering the holistic impact on health regarding the implementation of digital technologies, including the meaning residents give to interpersonal exchanges and the organizational constraints.Trial RegistrationOSF Registries;
  • [hal-01669916] Comparison of Clinical Presentations and Outcomes Between Patients With TGFBR2 and FBN1 Mutations in Marfan Syndrome and Related Disorders
    21 décembre 2017
    mutations were recognized recently among patients with a Marfan-like phenotype. The associated clinical and prognostic spectra remain unclear. Methods and Results—Clinical features and outcomes of 71 patients with a TGFBR2 mutation (TGFBR2 group) were compared with 50 age-and sex-matched unaffected family members (control subjects) and 243 patients harboring FBN1 mutations (FBN1 group). Aortic dilatation was present in a similar proportion of patients in both the TGFBR2 and FBN1 groups (78% versus 79%, respectively) but was highly variable. The incidence and average age for thoracic aortic surgery (31% versus 27% and 3516 versus 3913 years, respectively) and aortic dissection (14% versus 10% and 3812 versus 399 years) were also similar in the 2 groups. Mitral valve involvement (myxomatous, prolapse, mitral regurgitation) was less frequent in the TGFBR2 than in the FBN1 group (all P0.05). Aortic dilatation, dissection, or sudden death was the index event leading to genetic diagnosis in 65% of families with TGFBR2 mutations, versus 32% with FBN1 mutations (P0.002). The rate of death was greater in TGFBR2 families before diagnosis but similar once the disease had been recognized. Most pregnancies were uneventful (without death or aortic dissection) in both TGFBR2 and FBN1 families (38 of 39 versus 213 of 217; P1). Seven patients (10%) with a TGFBR2 mutation fulfilled international criteria for Marfan syndrome, 3 of whom presented with features specific for Loeys-Dietz syndrome. Conclusions—Clinical outcomes appear similar between treated patients with TGFBR2 mutations and individuals with FBN1 mutations. Prognosis depends on clinical disease expression and treatment rather than simply the presence of a TGFBR2 gene mutation. (Circulation. 2009;120:2541-2549.)
  • [hal-03207403] Intangible resources and cross-border acquisition decisions: The impact of reputation and the moderating effect of experiential knowledge
    9 mai 2023
    Drawing from the resource-based view, signaling theory, and internationalization literatures, we argue that a key intangible resource – reputation – influences the decision to engage in cross-border acquisitions (CBAs). Reputation facilitates foreign market entry by reducing the risks and costs inherent in such strategic moves, while acting to curb potentially risky decisions. Based on a longitudinal sample of 869 acquisitions conducted by European and US firms, our study confirms the inverted U-shaped relationship between a firm’s reputation and the likelihood of undertaking CBAs. We also find that international experiential knowledge moderates the relationship between reputation and the likelihood of additional CBAs. Our research contributes to the growing literature on the influence of intangible strategic resources, especially that of reputation, on foreign market entry strategies.
  • [hal-03159498] First passage time density of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with broken drift
    4 mars 2021
    We consider an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process with different drift rates below and above zero. We derive an analytic expression for the density of the first time, where the process hits a given level. The passage time density is linked to the joint law of the process and its running supremum, and we also provide an analytic formula of the joint density / distribution function. Results from a numerical experiment reveal that our formulas allow to numerically evaluate the joint law and the density of the first passage time faster than a simulation based method.
  • [hal-01592912] Quelles stratégies pour gérer les asymétries d'interdépendance ? Une application aux studios de jeu vidéo français
    25 septembre 2017
    S'appuyant sur la théorie de la dépendance des ressources, cet article analyse les asymétries d'interdépendance au sein des relations dyadiques verticales. L'objectif est d'identifier les stratégies permettant aux PME de gérer les asymétries de pouvoir et de dépendance. Nos ré-sultats, basés sur l'analyse qualitative de quatre relations d'interdépendance symbiotique entre studio et éditeur de jeu vidéo, montrent que les asymétries peuvent être maîtrisées par la mise en place de stratégie de coopération horizontale ou d'intégration de ressources et compétences verticales. Abstract: Based on the resource dependence theory, this paper analyses dependence asymmetries in dy-adic vertical inter-organizational relationships. Objective is to identify strategies allowing SMEs to manage power and dependence asymmetries. Our results, based on the qualitative analysis of four relations of symbiotic interdependence between video game developer and publisher, show that asymmetries can be managed by the implementation of horizontal cooperation strategy or integration strategy of vertical resources and competencies.
  • [hal-01615439] Améliorer la proposition de valeur d'un business model via la simulation mentale : le cas des produits technologiques innovants
    12 octobre 2017
    Concevoir un business model basé sur un produit technologique innovant n'est pas aisé, car ce type de produit peut impliquer des coûts d'apprentissage élevés qui engendrent des freins à l'achat et à l'adoption future du produit. L'enjeu stratégique réside alors dans la conception de la proposition de valeur et dans l'anticipation des freins à l'engagement du consommateur, ce qui reste un défi. A l'aide d'une étude qualitative et d'une étude expérimentale, nous montrons que la simulation mentale améliore les prévisions de l'engagement du consommateur et ainsi la conception du business model.
  • [halshs-01337216] Drivers and barriers to pre-adoption of strategic scanning information systems in the context of sustainable supply chain
    24 juin 2016
    This research is reporting on the pre-adoption of Strategic Scanning (S.Scan) information systems (IS). More specifically, it relates to the pre-adoption phase, that is, the emergence of the idea of such a system and the evaluation of its need for the organization, upstream of any technological consideration. The research question is the following: what are the drivers and barriers that influence the pre-adoption of a S.Scan IS? The objective of this research is to extend knowledge on a subject that has received little attention from the scholars. Research's originality relies on the use of isomorphic processes from neo-institutional framework to study pre-adoption in the field of S.Scan. On the basis of a multi-method research combining qualitative and quantitative exploratory studies in the specific field of sustainable supply chains (SSC), our results highlight 31 drivers and barriers to pre-adoption of S.Scan IS, ten of which have not been identified before, and five types of pressures. They therefore suggest that pre-adoption of S.Scan IS can be subject to both functional and institutional pressures. It can be driven either by competitiveness or conformism pressures, and hindered by performance objectives or lack of coercive pressures. Finally, these results put a question mark about the understanding of the strategic dimension of S.Scan IS by organisations, and the government's role and its responsibility for promoting SSC initiatives and for the adoption of S.Scan IS on this issue.
  • [hal-04116251] Quand l’art-thérapie soigne les soignants : Les effets des productions artistiques des patients sur la qualité de vie au travail des personnels soignants en cancérologie
    6 juin 2023
    Nous cherchons à comprendre les effets de l'art-thérapie, exercée avec les patients en soins palliatifs en oncologie, sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) des personnels soignants. Nous l'étudions dans la perspective de la clinique de l'activité, i.e., de la qualité du travail, en étudiant comment l'art-thérapie contribue à l'organisation du dialogue sur la qualité du travail et au développement du pouvoir d'agir des soignants dans un contexte hospitalier contraint. Nous menons une enquête dans un service de médecine palliative en cancérologie, avec trois modes de collecte de données (entretiens, focus group et observations). L'art-thérapie s'inscrit dans un dispositif de soin en participant à la transformation de l'environnement du travail, de la relation avec les patients, et de l'organisation coordonnée du travail du soin. Cela participe d'un mouvement dialogique, éthique et esthétique permettant de soigner le travail du soin et les soignants par le développement de leur pouvoir d'agir. « Toute oeuvre digne de ce nom, un poème, une musique, une peinture, une sculpture, tente de transmuer la solitude en ouverture, la souffrance en communion, les cris d'appel en chant, chant qui résonne par-delà les abîmes creusés par la séparation et la mort. » F. Cheng, Assise, p. 87.