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Publication: “Regional and Global Multinationals: an Examination of Theory and Empirical Evidence from European MNEs”, by Christoph Czychon
Thesis on global and regional multinational companies, carried out under a joint PhD program with Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg (Germany) and iaelyon School of Management, and defended in October 2020
The Atlas-AFMI Thesis Prize 2021 was awarded to Christoph Czychon for his doctoral work.The topic can be placed at the intersection of international economics, international business and international management and it originates in the regional vs. global research as performed by Alan M. Rugman and Alain Verbeke and others. Based on empirical data, I assessed the "globality" of CAC40- and DAX30-listed firms throughout the 2005-2015 period. Based on my results I challenged existing paradigms and dominant empirical narratives.
In comparison, the MNEs I analyzed, including firms such as LVMH, Kering, AirFrance-KLM, EDF, Orange, BMW, Daimler, Volkswagen (to name a few), substantially interregionalized during the period of analysis. In 2005, an approx. 85% stake of the firms was home region-oriented, meaning that their sales in Europe accounted for more than 50 percent. In 2015, only approx. 48% of the firms have the majority of their sales in the home region. The firms have thus become much more balanced in their interregional setup, which is due to gradual increases in internationality but also big steps, such as based on M&A activities. I had the chance to present my research at AIB in Dubai as well as EIBA in Milano.
Christoph Czychon »
Springer Gabler, July 2021, 417 p.
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