• Research,
  • International,

The measure of emotion and cognitive responses in users – Seminar by Pierre-Majorique Léger, HEC Montréal

Evènement | April 7, 2022
9:30am until 12am

Methodological seminar organized by Magellan Laboratory – iaelyon, presented by Pierre-Majorique Léger, Professor at the Information Technologies Department & co-director of Tech3Lab at HEC Montréal.

Pierre-Majorique Léger

During this seminar, designed for Magellan researchers, some of the psychophysiological tools of Lab’iaelyon will be used.

Pierre-Majorique Léger will also teach on April 5th, 6th and 7th, on the theme Neurosciences & Information Technologies for the Doctorate School of Economical Sciences and Management.

Pierre-Majorique Léger is a researcher, inventor and entrepreneur. He teaches at HEC Montréal, Canada in the field of Digital Technlogoies. He is the author of 3 books and numerous articles in this field and holds at least 10 invention patents.He is the senior chairholder of the NSERC Industrial Research Chair in User Experience (UX). His research seeks to improve the user experience (UX) while learning or using technology.

Pierre-Majorique Léger's resume

About HEC Montreal Tech3lab



Manufacture des Tabacs campus

iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin
LAB'iaelyon - Salle Gaston Berger
6 rue professeur Rollet - Lyon 8ème
Access map

Valérie Thalamas, Centre de recherche iaelyon Magellan



Colloquium / Workshop


Research, International