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Interested in a PhD? iaelyon launches a new path in Research from the first year of Master’s
This optional path in Research, compatible with all the iaelyon Master’s degrees is developed over the two years of Master’s or only in Master 2. Depending on their results and the quality of their Master thesis, this program allows students to pursue a PhD and to potentially obtain a thesis funding. The Research path will begin at the start of the 2023 academic year.
- Students can choose any Master’s program and build their own customized path, from the first year of Master or only in the final year.
- Students pick the modules they wish to replace in the program with the program director
- They follow classes and defend a research thesis at the end of their final year of Master’s.
- They can change their mind at the end of every semester if their project evolves.
- Depending on their results and the quality of their Master thesis, the program allows students to pursue a PhD and to potentially obtain a thesis funding.
The PhD in Management allows students to pursue a career as researchers at a University or School, in France or abroad, or to join the Research and Development departments of companies.
► To find out more before applying for a Master’s degree
- Read the presentation of the Research Program (in French)
- Contact Sonia Capelli, Program Director of the Research path
The content of the optional Research path
Module 1: Defining a research project
Induction seminar
The institutional environment (Doctoral school / Research laboratory...) - Research object - Epistemology - Research thesis - Academic integrity, research ethics - Building a literature review - Mastering the tools of bibliography - Bibliographic synthesis - Methodology of access to the field / negotiation / qualitative or mixed methodologies of data collection and field research (action research / intervention research) - Specificities of management and management in social sciences
1st step: presentation of a literature review on the subject under consideration
Modul 2: Collecting data
Data collection on the internet (data scrapping) - Quantitative data collection by questionnaire - Experimental protocols / tools from the neurosciences – Collecting qualitative data - Field research and research fields: the construction of a heterogeneous information collection device - Case study / monograph -
2nd step: collecting data for your research thesis
Module 3: Analyzing data
Quantitative data analysis - Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, construction of measurement scales and structural models - Event and longitudinal studies - Process; variance and recession analysis - Qualitative data analysis - Thematic content analysis - Semantic analysis and automatic analysis (secondary data, netnography) - Process analysis - Meta-analysis
3rd step: analyzing data for your research thesis
Module 4: Communicating the results of research
How to write an article - How to communicate your research - Closing seminar with collective restitutions
4th step: defend your thesis before the date set by the Doctoral School of Economics and Management
Who are our PhD Students?
► Learn more