• Research,
  • International,

2022 AOM Symposium: best paper price for Anna Minneva – PhD student at Magellan Research Center – iaelyon

Evènement | April 25, 2022

Co-written by Anna Mineeva (Magellan Research Center – iaelyon School of Management) and Marielle Payaud, the paper “Towards responsible global value chain: a conceptual framework” will be rewarded during the 82nd AOM (Academy of Management) annual meeting which will take place in Seattle, WA, Uited-States from August 5th until August 9th, 2022.


Global value chains (GVCs) take a prominent position within the modern global economy as well as within the international business (IB) research field. However, despite the increasing importance of corporate social responsibilities (CSR) considered at the global scale, our understanding of how the concept of CSR plays out at the level of GVC remains limited. Yet, given the decoupling of ownership and control caused by disaggregation of multinational enterprises (MNEs), the issue of organisational boundaries in regards to social responsibilities of business gains more and more relevance. The objective of this conceptual study is to contribute to the discussion on full-chain responsibility through the development of the concept of responsible global value chain. Seeking to integrate theoretical insights from the literature on CSR and on GVC we develop a conceptual framework of a responsible GVC comprised of four distinct dimensions that shape the integration of CSR throughout the GVC: (1) institutional environment, (2) governance, (3) CSR conceptualization and (4) stakeholder management. Our framework enables us to highlight the conceptual shift emerging along four proposed dimensions underpinning the move from conventional GVC towards responsible one.

Learn more about the 82nd AOM annual meeting


About the authors:

Anna MINEEVA is a teaching and research assistant at iaelyon School of Management. In her thesis, she studies the local and global interaction of international companies’ CSR, especially in developing countries. In her research, she takes a special interest in the cocoa industry of Western Africa where she carried out a field study (Ivory Coast). Her thesis is undertaken within the Strategy Group – Magellan Research Center under the supervision of Marielle Payaud.

Marielle PAYAUD is a professor at iaelyon, currently working as the team director of the AUF (Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie) Education Officer.