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International Conference "Women and governance"
Issues and Impacts of Women’s Participation in Decisions of Public and Private Organizations. Organized by 2GAP (Gender and Governance Action Platform) et CREATE.Lyon with the support of iaelyon School of Management and Magellan Research Center.
► Call for communication
This conference will be organized in Lyon and is a collaboration between several institutions: Create. Lyon (Magellan Research Center), iaelyon School of Management (University Jean Moulin Lyon 3), 2GAP, AME.
Its goal is to bring researchers and practitioners together to reflect on the following themes:
- The impact of gender diversity and the place of women in public and private sector governance.
- The impact of gender diversity and the place of women in art, sport, trade unions, associations.
- The impact of culture and stereotypes in the world on women's representation in governance bodies.
- Non-governmental organizations: women, peace and security fields.
- The characteristics and results of new mixed governance models: economic and social performance. New governance models, anti-stereotyping and good practices.
- Characteristics of women in governance participation: leadership and management type, decision-making, risk-taking, resilience and inclusion.
- Mixed decision-making: alignment of decision-making, alignment of stakeholders and decision, bias in decision-making, decision-making and sharing, measurement of the quality of decision-making.
- Women in the governance of large international companies, family-owned enterprises, SMEs, start-ups or innovative/technological SMEs.
- The impact of gender diversity and the place of women on executive committees and executive committees.
- The characteristics, roles and evolution of women entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs and women investors.
Sessions for researchers and practitioners
The sessions (Or tracks) will be offered during the two days of the conference in which researchers can position themselves according to their communication. The presentation of the themes will besubmitted on the sites of create.Lyon and Magellan.
Beyond these themes, all contributions reflecting contemporary research on women and governance are also welcome. Particular attention will be paid to research on the place of women in the decision-making circles of public and/or governmental organisations.
This international conference will include plenary sessions, thematic sessions, roundtables and events promoting exchanges and discussions between practitioners and researchers (including the Evidence event organized by the Alliance for Mixed Enterprise (AME) on this occasion).
Submission Process:
All submissions may be submitted in French or English to the following address: not later than September 15, 2021 for articles and no later than June 30, 2021 for abstracts (one page).
Organisation Committee :
- Marie-Christine Chalus-Sauvannet, Full Professor, iaelyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Laurence Cohen, lecturer, iaelyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Pauline Gibard, Doctoral Student, iaelyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Eunice Castant, Doctoral Student, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Pauline GIBARD, CREATE.Lyon – Magellan, iaelyon Research Center